Estate Planning is about wealth and ensuring that is transferred to the right people at the right time and that the asset is protected and safeguarded from threats such as bankruptcy, tax and poor decisions by those who have had limited experience with large sums of money.
We have the expertise and knowledge to assist clients across an array of financial planning areas and in particular we are finding that many clients have concerns in relation to estate planning and inheritance tax issues.
Inheritance Tax (IHT) has been one of the most significant concerns for clients over the last 10 years and remains an issue for many. As the rules relating to IHT have changed, we have noticed so have our clients needs.
Wealth can be passed to beneficiaries or protected by trusts in many different ways. Previously the focus of many clients has been on the mitigation of Inheritance Tax (IHT) alone without assessing the wider benefits of estate planning. While we adopt strategies that focus on reducing IHT, there are wider considerations which are more important to some people, these include ensuring that beneficiaries are provided for, but also that they are protected from themselves especially when they are young and do not always understand the consequences of having large sums of money.
We have significant experience in managing client’s affairs and using trusts is one way to protect assets where possible, whether it is from spendthrift beneficiaries or the future threat of bankruptcy.
Please contact a member of the team for more
information or an initial assessment
on 01242 530999
or by email:

If you are looking to secure a legacy for future generations or reduce your inheritance tax liability, we would welcome the opportunity to explain where our specialist knowledge can help you and your family.